Personal account

Adding and Deleting an Offer

1. A form for adding an advertisement is available in your account:

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2. Click on the red ‘Add an Advertisement’ button and fill in all the boxes in the opened tab:

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3. In the ‘Advertisement Type’ box, click on the arrow on the right and select ‘Offer’ if you are ready to carry out a task or share idle capacity.

4. Use the ‘Name’ box to describe as precisely as possible the service you are offering, so that other companies can easily find your particular advertisement on the website.

5. In the ‘Business Sphere’ box, select one of the 25 business spheres relevant to your advertisement.

6. Then, select all the activities that are relevant to your advertisement in the ‘Type of Activity’ box by ticking the box next to the type of activity.

7. The start date of the contract will automatically be indicated as the next working day. In the ‘Contract End Date’ box, you can either put the date you want or leave the box blank.

8. Then, you can specify a price range for your advertisement by adding a minimum price in the ‘Min’ box and a maximum price in the ‘Max’ box. This box is mandatory. You can find currency of payment indicated on the right (it is the ruble by default).

9. You can enter all the details that are important for your advertisement in the box ‘Advertisement Details and Requirements for the Contractor’. This information will be visible to other companies registered on the website. This box is mandatory.

10. Below you will see a mandatory section ‘Advertisement Location’, where you can specify the country and city you are interested in by selecting them from a drop-down list:

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11. You can upload 1 to 15 auxiliary files in jpg, png, bmp, or pdf format each up to 3MB in the ‘Supplementary Material’ section. These could be photographs of the equipment you intend to lease or rent out, design examples or a technical specification for the service.

12. Once you have filled in all the boxes, click on the ‘Post’ button. Do not worry, you can amend the advertisement at any time before you receive a response to it.

13. If any of the mandatory boxes are missing, the system will generate an error, e.g. "Error! The price from field is required”. In this case, fill in those boxes that have an error icon next to them.

14. Once you have successfully completed all the boxes, your advertisement page will open in the same tab. Here, if necessary and before you receive a response, you can edit the advertisement by clicking on the ‘Pencil’ icon on the right:

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15. You can also delete your advertisement by clicking on the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon on the right. The site will ask you if you are sure you want to delete it. If so, click ‘Delete’; if not, click ‘Cancel’:

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16. After deleting your advertisement, you will be redirected to the ‘My Advertisements’ page with all the requests and offers you have placed on the website:

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